<h2>Beauty salon</h2><p>in Paros island </p> <h2>Beauty salon</h2><p>in Paros island</p> <h2>Beauty salon</h2><p>in Paros island</p> <h2>Beauty salon</h2><p>in Paros island</p> <h2>Beauty salon</h2><p>in Paros island</p>
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in Paros island




Face cleaning
Facial cleansing is the aesthetic application that aims to extract sebum. The result after cleansing is a healthy, clean and radiant skin.


Professional & Artistic Makeup
Show off your face with the right makeup.
No matter how well you know how to paint, you definitely can not get the art of the experienced Beauty Touch Store staff.
With the best professional products, they will show off the most powerful features of your face and prepare you for a stunning look that will surely surprise you.

Permanent tattoo makeup
Eyes - eyebrows
You can give yourself the most natural effect on permanent eye makeup with sophisticated manual hair technique - hair creating a flawless effect on your eyebrows. With this method we form lines in your eyebrows for their more natural appearance as well as the ability to re-shape your eyebrows.


Outline and lip filling.
With permanent lip makeup we can give a well-shaped outline and color all over the surface. This depends on what you want to do or what you need.

Eye line, upper and lower eyelid in various colors.
With permanent makeup, we can create an accurate eye contour in the upper and lower eyelids, highlighting your eyes, giving them the intensity they need.


Extension eyelashes
Refresh your face with the safest and most innovative method and make your eyes look young and sexy (your eyelashes can be lengthened 2 or 3 times). Proper fitting gives long, thick and dense to the eyelashes in a completely natural way, but at the same time giving a striking result.
With the extensions you will make the most successful change in your appearance.



Correction of facial imperfections



Careful care without cost!